

The Affordable Housing Program creates enabling environment interventions that enhance supply and facilitate demand in the housing sector in the interest of making housing affordable to all Kenyans


Together with strategic partners, OmniCorp is currently undertaking the development of 3,488 Housing units in BAHATI Estate under the government’s affordable housing program.

The Programme is structured as Joint Venture (JV) framework with Government offering land as equity contribution and our consortium bringing on board finance and technical expertise.

The development will be characterized by low and middle rise housing units. The development will also include social amenities such as day care facilities, commercial centers, green and open spaces.


The Last Mile Project is a Government of Kenya programme that is aimed at facilitating the objective of affordably connecting Kenyan households to the national network grid.

In 2021, OmniCorp signed a contract for Supply and Installation of 11kv and 33kv lines, associated transformers and low voltage network in lower eastern and coast region of Kenya under LOT 5. The project covered the counties of: KITUI, MAKUENI, TAITA TAVETA, KWALE, KILIFI AND TANA RIVER.

All our sites were successfully commissioned and handed over within the one-year contract period.